Thursday, September 25, 2014


September 26, 2014
Dear Families,
We are almost finished with Literacy assessments and are beginning Math assessments next week.  Ms. Levangie is sending home book bags this weekend.  Please find a note in the book bag that explains the routines with these bags.  Educating Children Outdoors (ECO) has begun!  Ms. Levangie’s homeroom had a great time this week during their first ECO meeting.  Mrs. Raynor’s homeroom is anxiously waiting for their first ECO meeting next Tuesday, September 30th.  Please remember that the days your child has ECO they will be outside all afternoon and should dress for the weather. 
          In Writing Workshop first and second graders are writing small moment narrative books and fall informational books.  Our science theme for the next two months is weather patterns and fall changes.  We are integrating ECO into writing curriculum by having students write about their experiences in the outdoor classroom. 
Picture Retake Day is October 16, 2014
Please let us know if you would like to volunteer for ECO!
Ms. Levangie’s Class October Dates: 10/7 and 10/21
Mrs. Raynor’s Class October Dates: 10/14 and 10/28

Randilee and Lisa

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