September 12, 2014
Dear Families,
It was great to see most of you at Open House! It was a night of positive energy and the
kids were so proud to show off their work.
We are launching writing workshop next week, Ms. Levangie will
start with first grade and Mrs. Raynor will start with second grade. Some writing blocks we will be together in
combined grades and other times we will be in straight grades working on
particular skills. Through the next
month we will be completing reading, writing, and math assessments. It will be important to make sure your child
is well rested and attending school regularly.
Please remember school is no longer providing a snack, so your
child should bring a snack from home. Also,
all first and second graders will have PE daily and should bring the
appropriate shoes.
ECO Information Night Tuesday, September 16 from 6-7pm in 1/2
grade classrooms
Wellness Hike Friday, September 19, 2014
*If you haven’t returned your Wellness Hike form please send
it in to school Monday.*
Mrs. Raynor Ms. Levangie
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