Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Second Grade News Jan 8, 2014

Things to Note:
Fun Fitness Friday Dates:  1/17, 1/24, 1/31, 2/17 and 2/14 for a rain date.
No School: 1/20 and 1/21
Math:  Students are diving into subtraction!  All second graders will be working on knowing subtraction facts fluently as well as developing skills to subtract numbers into the double digits.  This week we have been thinking about how addition connects to subtraction and how our knowledge of addition facts will help us learn our subtraction facts.  During our math time we continue to develop our skills around reading and setting clocks as well as our knowledge of coins.  Students are expected to know all coin names and values as well as be able to solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies using $ and ¢ symbols correctly by the end of second grader.  Please work with your child on counting coins whenever you use them in your life.  Real life situations are the best way for the kids to see the importance of this skill. 
Literacy/Science:     Students have begun a unit on informational writing.  They each have chosen an animal that lives in or near North America that they will research and write a mini report book on.  Students will be asked to write about what they already know (prior knowledge), what they still wonder, and come up with at least two questions they have about their animal.  Students will be learning how to use resources to write their report, will learn how to take a few notes from a resource, and then finally how to take the notes and write their own sentences from them.  Students will be using some of their library time to find resources and will also use some of their technology skills to access World Book to research their animal!  Students seem to be really excited about this project and have even been doing some of their own research at home!  I’m so excited to see what they come up with! 
I will be assessing student’s reading skills for the next few weeks.  The data I gather from this assessment will give me valuable information on what reading skills are still needed for the class as a whole, what skills each individual student needs, and what reading level they should be working within. 
Have a Great Week! –Mrs. Raynor

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