Grade News – January 30, 2014
Things to Note:
-February Break: 2/24 – 3/4
-FFF Dates: 1/31, 2/7, 2/14 -100th
Day of School: 2/6
Students enjoyed a Hands on Nature lesson about squirrels this week. Students learned about the different types of
squirrels. They watched a puppet show,
compared characteristics of different squirrels, and even were able to examine
and hold a squirrel skull!
Students have been working diligently on their animal
reports. This week we have begun writing
our introduction. Students are trying to
“hook” their reader by either asking a thought-provoking question or by sharing
an interesting fact. Dioramas that will
accompany this report are well underway.
Students have benefited from bringing what they have learned in our
classroom to art class with Mrs. Holmes-Heiss.
Math: Students continue to work on learning both the
addition and subtraction facts to fluency, telling time to the nearest 5
minutes, counting coin values, and using efficient subtraction strategies. New in math is learning the names and
attributes of 3D shapes.
Literacy: Many students have recently joined a new reading
group and they are very excited to have new group mates! Second graders are all developing their
skills as readers and have really enjoyed being challenged. Students seem very eager to get into their
new books.
Students have been focused on learning spelling patterns to
make long vowel sounds. This week we
have been studying long u patterns such as oo as in smooth, ui as in fruit, and
uCe as in dude. Second graders are very
observant and quickly see how the long u sound can be spelled in many ways.
Other News: This week students joined the rest of the school
for a whole school morning meeting where students watched a video about
bullying and harassment starring our own k-3 students! Students continue to be safe, be kind, and
work hard to earn coins. Students will
be working very hard to earn as much as they can before break so that they can
have an awesome beach day!
Have a great week! – Mrs. Raynor