Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Second Grade News: December 20, 2012
Things to Note:
Have a Great Holiday Break – December 22, 2012 – January 1, 2013
First Fun Fitness Friday will be on Friday, January 4, 2013

Literacy:   Students have begun to learn what a personal narrative is and have chosen a topic for their own personal narrative.  We have discussed how a good personal narrative has a great lead, starts at the heart of the story, has dialogue, and has interesting details.  We will continue to work on narrative writing when we return from break.  During reader’s workshop second graders have been learning what it means to infer.  We have talked in detail about how inferring is figuring out something that wasn’t completely explained and how it’s using clues to make a good guess.  Students infer all the time in their lives now I am trying to help them bring that skill into their reading.  

Mathematics: Students have been focused in on learning how to read an analog clock.  We have practiced reading the clock to half an hour times and many students are comfortable with this skill.  Recently, we have been learning how to read the clock by five minutes increments.  This is proving to be a little more challenging.  

Homework: A great way to help your child practice counting is to do it as a family daily.  One way to do this and keep it fun is to set a timer for 2 minutes; for those 2 minutes you and your child skip count taking turns saying the next number.  For example, skip counting by 5’s, child: 5, parent: 10, child: 15, parent: 20…… see how far you can get in 2 minutes. 
Happy Holidays – Mrs. Raynor

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