Thursday, December 6, 2012


Second Grade News: December 6, 2012
Things to Note: 
·         Holiday Break – December 24, 2012 thru January 1, 2013
·         Drama Performance – December 14 @ 6pm
 The second graders have been working on writing about the water cycle.  This will be the first writing piece of the year that students are graded using a rubric.  Students will also be making an illustration to accompany their writing.  I cannot believe how well written their pieces are and how clearly they are explaining the water cycle!  Nice job second graders!  After we complete this water cycle writing we will move on to a study of personal narratives. 
          As part of reader’s workshop second graders have been learning how to complete a story map on what they have read.  They have been learning how to draw out the important parts of the story.  Story map components include: characters, setting, problem, solution, beginning, middle, and end. 
          As part of our upcoming math curriculum we will be looking closely at analog clocks and learning how to read the time to the nearest 5 minutes.  A great gift for your child this holiday season might be an analog wrist watch!  Having a watch will help them to practice telling time as we continue in our math curriculum!

Have a Great Week! – Mrs. Raynor

                             Happy Holidays

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