Friday, September 28, 2012

Newsletter September 27, 2012
Week 5
This week students’ reading skills have been being assessed. Thankfully, all of the reading data has been gathered and we have a starting point for instruction! Also, this week students have begun learning about word study activities that we will be using throughout the year. This week our focus words were our names. We have begun writing responses to what we are reading in our readers notebooks. The students in 2nd grade have done really well with this new piece of readers’ workshop and seem to really enjoy it.
We have begun a new unit in math. This unit has students focusing on developing strategies for accurately counting a set of objects by ones and groups, knowing addition combinations to 10 + 10, using manipulatives, drawings, tools, and notation to show strategies and solutions, and making sense of and developing strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems with totals up to 45. Math continues to be a fun time of our school day that offers the students many academic choices.
Things to Note:
No SCHOOL next Friday, October 5 (teacher in-service day) or Monday, October 8 (Columbus Day).

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