Friday, September 28, 2012

Newsletter September 27, 2012
Week 5
This week students’ reading skills have been being assessed. Thankfully, all of the reading data has been gathered and we have a starting point for instruction! Also, this week students have begun learning about word study activities that we will be using throughout the year. This week our focus words were our names. We have begun writing responses to what we are reading in our readers notebooks. The students in 2nd grade have done really well with this new piece of readers’ workshop and seem to really enjoy it.
We have begun a new unit in math. This unit has students focusing on developing strategies for accurately counting a set of objects by ones and groups, knowing addition combinations to 10 + 10, using manipulatives, drawings, tools, and notation to show strategies and solutions, and making sense of and developing strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems with totals up to 45. Math continues to be a fun time of our school day that offers the students many academic choices.
Things to Note:
No SCHOOL next Friday, October 5 (teacher in-service day) or Monday, October 8 (Columbus Day).

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Problem Solving During Readers Workshop


A BIG thank you goes out to the second grade parents that chaperoned the hike last week!  We could not do fun field trips without your help.  THANK YOU

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Weekly News

September 20, 2012
Homework time is here!  Students have begun taking home math homework.  In the next week or two we will begin having reading homework.  The purpose of reading homework is for students to develop reading behavior outside of school.  It also provides an opportunity to reread a familiar text.  Lastly, homework keeps you as a parent connected to your child’s schoolwork.  Here are some ways to help your child with their homework:
·         Provide a quiet space for them to read
·         Create a routine around reading
·         Alternate between having them read aloud to you and read silently to themselves
·         Discuss the home and books that are being read
Students are asked to read for 20 minutes per night in addition to completing math homework that will come home every few days.  20 minutes of reading, could mean one or two short books.  Some second graders are reading chapter books.  When books begin to come home students will be asked to fill out a book log.  The purpose of the book log is to keep track of books that are read and to have a record of homework; this helps students to be accountable.  Students should be filling out their book logs by themselves using neat handwriting.  They may need some guidance when first learning how to complete the logs.
Students will be asked to bring their homework book bag back to school every day.  Please help them get into the routine of doing this.  It is important that students keep books in a safe place and return them to school daily.  Books really need to be taken care of while they are out of the room.  I will be asking parents to cover the cost of replacing any books that become damaged while out of the school. 
My intention is for homework to be a way for students to practice skills learned here at school.  We are also creating good study habits for the children that they will use in the future.  Homework is not supposed to be a stressful thing.  If you feel like your family does not have enough time on a given night to complete homework, don’t do it.  Do it the next day or the next time when you have a chance. 
Please call me with any questions regarding reading homework.  Thank you for supporting your child with their homework.

Randilee  Raynor

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Weekly News
September 13, 2013

Students have begun assessments to determine where learning should begin.  They are eager to get started, especially with their reading instruction.  Students have really settled into Readers’ Workshop and have been learning mini lessons on the topics of quiet reading and choosing book nooks, rules of workshop time, caring for books and our library, voices during workshop, and choosing just right books.

This week students also started Math Workshop.  During Math Workshop different activities are available and students can choose which they would like to work on.  During this time students are expected to work productively and cooperatively, keeping a noise at an acceptable level.  This is a really great way for students to be the leader in their math learning. 

Things to Note:
Groton Hike- Friday, September 21, 2012
Open House – Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Picture Day – Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012

Week 2:
This week students have continued to work on developing friendships, learning routines, and getting acquainted with our classroom.  Students have really enjoyed new learning games and choosing their very own book boxes.  A spaghetti and marshmallow math project was a BIG HIT and pushed students to work as a team.  Students have also be working on the creation of classroom rules. 

More news

·    Things to Note: * Milk and Juice for snack costs $0.50 (be sure to discuss with your child if you would like them to be ordering a drink during snack time)
·    Dates to Note:  *Picture Day – Tuesday, September 25  *Open House – Wednesday, September 19@6:30! *Groton Hike Day – Friday, September 21, Rain Date Friday, September 28

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Groton Hike Information

K-3rd Grade Wellness Hike Information & Permission Slip
Dear Parents and Students, Sept. 2012

We are all looking forward to a beautiful sunny school hike that is fast approaching on Friday, September 21st (with a rain date set for Friday, September 28th)! We will travel by bus to Groton State Park and will hike on a variety of different paths there. Below you will find all of the details about the hike. With your child, please choose a 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice. The teachers will assign students to hikes once all forms are returned. We will try our best to grant 1st choices, but may need to give 2nd or 3rd choices based on numbers. Thanks for your flexibility. We will send home a confirmation letter letting you know which hike your child is on prior to the hike date.
We would love to have as many chaperones as possible on this trip. However, only approved volunteers will be able to chaperone; if you filled out the volunteer paperwork last year you are all set! Volunteer applications are available in the school lobby or can be sent home by request.
(contact Sue Cioffi 454-7777 x 0 or

We will send more detailed information about chaperone expectations to parents who sign up and are approved to chaperone.

On the day of the hike, all students should report to their regular classrooms as usual. Approved chaperones should report to the library by 9:00am to review chaperone expectations. Teachers will dismiss students to the teacher who will lead their hike at 9:15am after attendance has been taken.

If you plan to drive your child to or from the hike in your own car, please notify your classroom teacher at least 24 hours in advance. If you signed up to chaperone but are unable to chaperone after all, please notify your teacher at least 24 hours in advance. Thank You!

Fill out and return the hike permission slip on the next page to your classroom teacher by Wednesday, Sept. 12th. Please contact your classroom teacher if you have any questions after reviewing this information.


Your Classroom Teachers
Mary Carpenter, Randilee Raynor, Callie Weller, and Kelly MacMartin

Event: K-3 Hike at Groton State Park
Date: Friday Sept. 21st with a rain date set for Friday Sept. 28th
Time of Bus Departure from CES: 9:30a.m. promptly
Time of Bus Departure from Groton: 2:15p.m. promptly
Estimated Time of Arrival at CES: 2:45p.m.
What Kids Need to Bring: water bottle, lunch, snack, jacket, sturdy shoes, sun block if desired, appropriate clothing (layers are good).

Tuesday, September 4, 2012