Monday, May 18, 2015

Dear Families,
We cannot believe there is only a month left before summer break!  We have so much work to do and fun to have in that month.  Please make sure your child is here at school each and every day; we will be going on some great field trips, have guest teachers visiting, we will be taking important end of the year assessments, and continue learning right until the last day of school! 
Please remember that our hike to Chickering Bog is next Tuesday, May 19!  Many families said that they would be sending their child in with a bagged lunch that day, please make sure you remember to do so if you did not sign up for a school lunch.  Also, please be sure students are prepared for that day, we suggest bringing sun block, bug spray, a hat, water bottle (preferably not glass for this trip), and great hiking/walking shoes (PLEASE NO FLIP FLOPS).  All students will need a backpack that day and will be expected to carry their own lunch and supplies for the day.  We will be outside for most of the day so please pack accordingly.  *Chaperones please plan to be at school by 9:45am so we can leave at 10:00am!*
It is getting close to “house cleaning” time and we would ask that you please carefully check your home for any books or supplies that belong here at school.  Specifically, we are looking for classroom books and coins that students may have earned for working hard, being safe, or being kind. 
Next week check out reader’s theater videos on the blog!  Students did a great job!
Important Upcoming Dates:  Chickering Bog/Fen hike – Tuesday, May 19 (rain date 5/21)
 K-3 Montshire Museum- Wednesday, May 27 *Chaperones needed*
U-32 book buddies & science museum – Friday, May 29 9:00-1:00 *permission slips sent home today*
Field Day at CES – Friday, June 12 (Rain Date 6/15)
Last Day of School – Tuesday, June 16 dismissal at 12:30pm 
6th Grade Graduation – Tuesday, June 16th @ 6:30pm in CES Gym

Randilee and Lisa

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