May 22nd,
Dear Families,
We had a fantastic hike yesterday up to Chickering
Bog. All of us learned so much new
plant, tree and bog information from our research and our amazing
chaperones. Thank you to all of you who
took the day to join us! For those who
took Tuesday and couldn’t make it yesterday, our apologies. The weather could not have been better for
keeping the bug count down.
We have most permission slips back for our two fieldtrips this coming week. If you
are joining us for the Montshire Museum trip please be here by 8:50. We will be back to school by 3:15.
We are winding down in all of our core
subjects. Students are busy working on
their “image making” narrative stories. We
will be assessing students in the coming two weeks in reading, writing and
math. Our students have all made
excellent progress this year! Please
keep up the reading this summer.
On that note, please look for any school books at
home especially classroom texts for reading.
We depend on these teaching materials.
Upcoming Dates:
– 5/26 (Raynor) Please dress for the weather, 6/2 (Levangie
Montshire Museum- Wednesday, May 27th
Book buddies & Science Museum, 1-2, Friday, May 29th 9am-1pm
Day at CES-Friday, June 12th (Rain date, June 15)
Day of School- Tuesday, June 16, dismissal at 12:30
a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!!
Lisa and Randilee