Friday, March 13, 2015

1st and 2nd Grade News March 13, 2015

Dear Families,
1st graders are diving into a unit on measurement and have been learning the importance of using a standard unit of measure.  This week I am asking 1st grade students to complete some measurement homework.  Students should 1. choose something to measure, 2. measure it in as many ways as you can: height, width, length, weight, volume, temperature, time, 3. Record their results, and 4. include at least one comparison: “it is taller than….” or “heavier than…”
2nd graders have begun learning about fractions.  They will learn 1/2, 1/4, and 1/3 and how equal shares can have different shapes.  Students will learn many new math words during this unit including, half, halves, third, thirds, fourth, fourths, quarters, whole, numerator, and denominator.
In Reading Workshop first graders are comparing non-fiction and fiction stories and are doing word work with initial and final digraphs and blends.  In second grade students are meeting in non-fiction clubs to discuss selected topics together and ask better questions and are working on contractions.  All first and second graders have started researching their ECO animals and are planning their books. 
Mrs. Raynor’s class has picked to have a Pajama Day as their next celebration for filling their classroom treasure chest with coins!  Pajama Day will happen for Mrs. Raynor’s class on Tuesday, March 17, 2015.  For that day, students can wear their pajamas to school, they are asked to make sure their choice of pajamas is appropriate for school and warm.  Students are asked to wear regular soled shoes not soft slippers that day in case of a fire drill or other emergency that might happen. 
It’s hard to believe but Parent Teacher Conferences are just around the corner!  We have set aside Thursday, April 2 and half of the day Friday, April 3, 2015 to meet with 1st and 2nd grade families.  We will be sending green conference forms home today in folders that will have a time slot we have selected for you.  We know that some of these times just will not work, but encourage you to be as flexible as you can be and remember that we are trying to schedule 31 families into these two days and will be working very hard those days to make the scheduling magic happen.  Please return these green conference forms to school as soon as possible so we can finalize the schedule for those two days. 
Things to Remember:
*Mrs. Raynor’s Class PJ Day Celebration – Tuesday, 3/17 *ECO Dates – 3/17 (Ms. Levangie’s class)
*Beach Day – Monday, 3/30      *Parent Teacher Conferences – Thursday, 4/2 and Friday, 4/3
Randilee and Lisa            

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