November 14, 2014
Dear Families,
We want to thank you all for being
so flexible with the scheduling for parent teacher conferences. We loved meeting with each and every one of
you and welcomed the positivity you shared about your child’s learning this
year. Thank you for all that you do to help your children learn!
We have ECO together with both 1-2
classes on November 25th and would like to invite all parents to
join us for an afternoon of thanks outside.
We plan to have a bonfire and possibly cook some food together. Please let us know if you can join us from
12:30-3pm on that day. It will be great
to be together outside.
Mrs. Raynor’s
Homeroom ECO Dates: 11/18, 11/25, 12/9
Ms. Levangie’s
Homeroom ECO Dates: 11/25, 12/2, 12/16
Things to Remember:
*No School (Thanksgiving Break): November 26, 27, and 28.*
*Please remember to send blue Fun Fitness Friday (FFF) forms
back to school so we can begin to plan for our winter fun. *
*Please help your child remember to bring their book bag back
to school on Monday.*
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