Thursday, May 15, 2014

Second Grade News – May 15, 2014

This edition brought to you by Sam, Cole, Avery, Amy, Bre, Allie, Sophia, Alex, and Alice these are their words!
Math: During math we have been learning about measurement.  We have been doing pages in our math workbook that involve measuring our classroom and our classroom things.  Then we would record it in our math workbook on the right page.  We think that we have been doing good at measuring!  I hope that you are proud of your kids!
Reading:  During reading we usually read outside, and we can read with a partner if we want to for about 15 minutes.  We usually have reading group, in reading group we read about two chapters in the book we are reading, then we talk about the chapters that we read.  Everyone in our class is reading chapter books, some of the chapter books are A Mouse Called Wolf, How to Eat Fried Worms, and Marvin Redpost A Magic Crystal?  After partner reading we read by our self.   
Word Study:  In word study we have been learning about the sounds oa, ow, oCe, and short vowel o.  Some words like coach are oa words.  Other words like flow and show are ow words.  Also, we are practicing an oCe spelling pattern.  When we practice we usually use our word study notebooks.  It has been a great week for the second graders.       
Science: In science we’re learning about seeds.  We’re also growing beans using a cup, cotton balls, soaked bean seeds and ½ an inch of water.  Last week we planted pumpkins!  We started Bean Germination Books to record our observations of our bean seeds.  Also, at the beginning of the school year we each planted a baby spider plant.  We have been caring for them throughout the year.  Some plants have grown a lot, and others have died, and some are on their last legs!  That is what we have been doing for the past week.                
Other fun stuff: In 2nd grade we have started some extras.  A few weeks ago we had an all school kickball game – Mr. Middleton made it up.  It was very fun.  The 2nd graders have been reading outside, it’s really fun for them. 
Thank you for enjoying this special newsletter written by my 2nd grade friends.
Have a great weekend! – Mrs. Raynor

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