This edition brought to you by Emerson, Annabelle, Alex,
Bre, and Natalie, these are their words!
Math: The second grade has been working on fractions. We learned ½, 2/3, and more. I think we did a good job. I think you’d like it. Try it its fun!
Reading: In readers’
workshop we are reading accurately. We
should be reading just right books. We
have reading groups. We have chapter books.
I hope you’re proud of your kid.
We also have been writing persuasive
letters to ask someone if they would do something for us. Some of the things you have to do are give a
beginning sentence and three reason sentences and a wrap up sentence.
Other fun stuff: In 2nd grade we have been
learning about kindness. We are also
learning about friendship. We learned
that to be kind, you share, you work together, comfort others, listen to
others, use nice words, compromise, care, help each other, and give compliments. That is what you do when you are being kind
or showing kindness. That is what we
have been learning about in 2nd grade.
Dear parents, the 2nd graders had a little
fun. The fun was a field trip to Allie’s
sugar house. I think everybody loved the
syrup and everybody loved the wagon ride.
The class also had a reward, the reward was a nature walk and they got
to paint the nature if they wanted to.
Everybody I think liked the painting part. The class also had one more thing, story
tellers came! Everybody liked the funny
parts in some of the parts people laughed.
I think it was a good time.
Thank you for enjoying this special newsletter written by my
2nd grade friends Emerson, Annabelle, Alex, Bre, and Natalie.
Have a great vacation! – Mrs. Raynor
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