Monday, March 31, 2014

Second Grade News – March 31, 2014

Things to Note:             

  • 2nd grade field trip to the Lamb’s Sugarhouse: Tuesday, April 8   
  • March homework packet due: Tuesday, April 2.

This edition brought to you by Allie L., Nick R., Ben C., and Amy F., these are their words!
Science: In science we are learning about the water cycle.  We have been learning about the steps of the water cycle.  These are the steps of the water cycle: evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff and seepage.  This is the water cycle!  We are making posters with for each step.  When the temperature is just right water can go from evaporation, skip condensation, and go right to precipitation, this is called sublimation.
Math: During math we are working with number lines.  We are labeling the starting point, midpoint, and ending point.  Then we either roll dice and label what we get or we would be assigned a certain number.  While we are doing that we are doing centers.  We are doing centers while our awesome teacher Mrs. Raynor is testing our math brains. 
Reading:  During reading we have been learning about point of view.  Each reading group is reading a story and figuring out whose point of view it is told from.  One group of kids is reading the last few chapters of Otherwise Known Sheila the Great.  Another group is reading a book called Stems and Roots.  Also another group is reading A Place for Grace and another group is just starting to read a new book called Foxes.  Another group is reading a book called The Phantom Mudder.  It has been a great week for us!
Thank you for enjoying this special newsletter written by my 2nd grade friends Allie, Nick, Ben, and Amy.  Have a great week! – Mrs. Raynor

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