Monday, March 31, 2014

We filled another treasure chest!

Pajama Day

In the 2nd grade we will be having pajama day this Thursday (April 3rd).  Each student can bring: 1 small stuffed animal, up to 3 of their favorite books, and a bathrobe (if you want).  We will not be bringing in slippers.  We think pajama day is going to be very fun!

Second Grade News – March 31, 2014

Things to Note:             

  • 2nd grade field trip to the Lamb’s Sugarhouse: Tuesday, April 8   
  • March homework packet due: Tuesday, April 2.

This edition brought to you by Allie L., Nick R., Ben C., and Amy F., these are their words!
Science: In science we are learning about the water cycle.  We have been learning about the steps of the water cycle.  These are the steps of the water cycle: evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff and seepage.  This is the water cycle!  We are making posters with for each step.  When the temperature is just right water can go from evaporation, skip condensation, and go right to precipitation, this is called sublimation.
Math: During math we are working with number lines.  We are labeling the starting point, midpoint, and ending point.  Then we either roll dice and label what we get or we would be assigned a certain number.  While we are doing that we are doing centers.  We are doing centers while our awesome teacher Mrs. Raynor is testing our math brains. 
Reading:  During reading we have been learning about point of view.  Each reading group is reading a story and figuring out whose point of view it is told from.  One group of kids is reading the last few chapters of Otherwise Known Sheila the Great.  Another group is reading a book called Stems and Roots.  Also another group is reading A Place for Grace and another group is just starting to read a new book called Foxes.  Another group is reading a book called The Phantom Mudder.  It has been a great week for us!
Thank you for enjoying this special newsletter written by my 2nd grade friends Allie, Nick, Ben, and Amy.  Have a great week! – Mrs. Raynor

Friday, March 28, 2014

Working together

Students working in small groups to illustrate their step of the water cycle. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Hands on Nature

Today second graders learned all about the whitetail deer that live in our region. 
Deer slideshow 
Playing a game: students were trees, deer, and even could be a coyote!
White tails go up when there is danger. 
Deer eating acorns. 
Deer skull, antler, and hide
Deer food

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Friday, March 21, 2014

Fanfare Brass Trio from the Vermont Symphony Orchestra

Learning how instruments were made from things in nature. 
How do these instruments really work? 
The kids and staff loved the performance today, they even played the Star Wars theme song!

Some fun

Second graders playing "machine"

Watercycle in a Jar Experiment

Students making diagrams of the experiment and labeling the stages of the water cycle. 
The experiment! 
It worked! We made it rain! 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Second Grade News – March 19, 2014

Things to Note:             

  • Parent Teacher Conferences: Friday, April 4   
  • 2nd grade field trip to the Lamb’s Sugarhouse: Tuesday, April 8   
  • March homework packet due: Tuesday, April 2.

Science: Students have begun learning about the water cycle!  Second graders were fascinated to find out that we may be drinking the same water today that dinosaurs did millions of years ago.  As part of this unit students will be making a mini water cycle as a group and will be illustrating their own water cycle poster as well as writing about how the water cycle works. 
Math: Students continue to work daily on learning both the addition and subtraction facts to fluency. Students recently wrapped up a geometry unit that had them identifying a variety of 2D and 3D shapes by their attributes.  As a culminating activity students created geometry art, coloring various 2D shapes (triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, and hexagons) a specific color depending on the number sides they had.  New in math is learning about number lines.  Students are learning how to correctly place whole numbers on a number line with equally spaced points.  Next, is how to place more randomized numbers on a number line with some benchmark numbers and how to use a number line to help solve addition and subtraction problems. 
Literacy: Second graders just finished having the book Charlotte’s Web read to them and they really love it!  After completing the book second graders watched the movie and made Venn diagrams to compare and contrast the book and the movie.  To my surprise the class was split, half enjoyed the book more while the other half said that movie was better!  Second graders are beginning to learn about perspective and point of view.  This week we read The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs!, which is told from the perspective of the wolf!  What fun we had hearing the story from his point of view!  We compared this book with the traditional tale which is told from the pigs’ point of view.  Students are now thinking more carefully as they read about whose point of view the book is told from.   
Writing: Second graders have begun an opinion writing unit.  We have started this work off with thinking about the difference between fact and opinion (sometimes at this age this can become blurred!).  Students are learning how to clearly state their opinion in their writing and give reasons for their opinion.  As part of this unit we will talk about persuasion and why it may be helpful to know how to persuade someone in writing.  Second graders will also be writing their opinions of some of their favorite (or maybe not so favorite) books.  
Have a great week! – Mrs. Raynor

Number lines

2nd graders making a human number line!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Today is Wednesday, March 12, 2014.  Due to the impending winter storm we are closing all schools early in Washington Central Supervisory Union to get kids home safe for the day.  U-32 will close at 12:15 pm and the five Elementary schools, Berlin, Calais, Doty, East Montpelier and Rumney schools will dismiss at 1:15 pm.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

pi night

Family pi Math Night – with PIE!
RESCHEDULED to Tuesday, March 18th 6:00-7:00pm
Come for math fun, and bring a sweet or savory pie to share.

Ø  Students and families will start the evening in classrooms for pi math games at 6:00 pm.
Ø  At 6:30 we’ll move to the gym for pie.
Ø  We’ll supply the plates and forks, you bring the pie! 
Ø  Please pre-slice your pie and bring a serving utensil. 

(no, this doesn’t mean we’re having a snow day… we’re just preparing for a snowy Wednesday night)