Friday, September 20, 2013


2nd Grade News    September 20, 2013       
Things to Note:
-Homework packets are due Thursday, October 3rd
-Lunch accounts should be paid so that all students have a positive balance
Math:    Students have been studying the clock, specifically analog.  We have been learning how to read the clock to o’clock times such as 4 o’clock (4:00).  Students have shown they are pretty confident when reading o’clock times.  It would be great if students could wear an analog watch to school so they can practice reading the hands and telling time!  Do you have analog clocks in your house?
Students have also been learning games that help them develop fact fluency.  We have been discussing “thinking strategies” to help us solve equations rather than using counting strategies.  A thinking strategy to solve 6 + 7 might be thinking about the double fact 6 + 6, which is near 6 + 7, and using the answer, 12 to find the solution to the unknown fact.  Additionally, we have been discovering tools such as 10 frames cards, 100 chart, number line, and counting sticks and discussing how they can help us solve math problems. 
Counting has been a big focus in math.  We have counted a variety of objects and have discussed ways we can count so that we are efficient and accurate.  We have talked in detail about counting one object and saying only one number for it, making groups of counted objects, and then double checking our count.    
Word Study:      Students have been focused in on hearing the sh and ch sound in words as well as understanding that when a k sound is heard after a short vowel it is typically spelled –ck.  We have been working to establish word study routines and will begin a new list of words next week that have us identifying short and long vowel sounds. 
Literacy:               This week students were able to watch a webcast with the first graders to hear Kevin Henkes, the author of Chrysanthemum speak.  In our classroom we have been learning about tools we can use to help us improve our reading such as phonics phones, quiet headphones, and the listening center.  We have been establishing routines around reading in our classroom. 
For writing, students have been excited to get writing in their writing journals.  We have discussed how to write to a prompt that is given to them (this will be a yearlong focus) and have begun discussing sequence in writing.  Students planned out the sequence of a story they created and will be working to turn the sequence into a story with detailed sentences!
Science:               Students continue to observe and care for their spider plants.  Students have used magnifying glasses to get an up-close look at what is happening with the roots of their plants.  They have been drawing what they see, taking notes, and creating questions they have based on what they see. 
Have a Great Week! – Mrs. Raynor

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