Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Exploring cuisenaire rods

Word Study Fun

Sorting our new words and discovering the vowel sounds. 

Words that could be added to our sort!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Soil and Pots Needed

Hi 2nd grade families,
 We are in need of some soil to put our spider plants in.  I thought I had some in my garage, but it looks like Mr. Raynor used it!  oops.  So if you have any soil we could plant our spider plants in we would love to have it in the second grade.  We are also looking for 18 smallish pots for our spider plants.  It would be great if they were all the same or similar!  Thanks so much, let me know if you can help!
-Mrs. Raynor


2nd Grade News    September 20, 2013       
Things to Note:
-Homework packets are due Thursday, October 3rd
-Lunch accounts should be paid so that all students have a positive balance
Math:    Students have been studying the clock, specifically analog.  We have been learning how to read the clock to o’clock times such as 4 o’clock (4:00).  Students have shown they are pretty confident when reading o’clock times.  It would be great if students could wear an analog watch to school so they can practice reading the hands and telling time!  Do you have analog clocks in your house?
Students have also been learning games that help them develop fact fluency.  We have been discussing “thinking strategies” to help us solve equations rather than using counting strategies.  A thinking strategy to solve 6 + 7 might be thinking about the double fact 6 + 6, which is near 6 + 7, and using the answer, 12 to find the solution to the unknown fact.  Additionally, we have been discovering tools such as 10 frames cards, 100 chart, number line, and counting sticks and discussing how they can help us solve math problems. 
Counting has been a big focus in math.  We have counted a variety of objects and have discussed ways we can count so that we are efficient and accurate.  We have talked in detail about counting one object and saying only one number for it, making groups of counted objects, and then double checking our count.    
Word Study:      Students have been focused in on hearing the sh and ch sound in words as well as understanding that when a k sound is heard after a short vowel it is typically spelled –ck.  We have been working to establish word study routines and will begin a new list of words next week that have us identifying short and long vowel sounds. 
Literacy:               This week students were able to watch a webcast with the first graders to hear Kevin Henkes, the author of Chrysanthemum speak.  In our classroom we have been learning about tools we can use to help us improve our reading such as phonics phones, quiet headphones, and the listening center.  We have been establishing routines around reading in our classroom. 
For writing, students have been excited to get writing in their writing journals.  We have discussed how to write to a prompt that is given to them (this will be a yearlong focus) and have begun discussing sequence in writing.  Students planned out the sequence of a story they created and will be working to turn the sequence into a story with detailed sentences!
Science:               Students continue to observe and care for their spider plants.  Students have used magnifying glasses to get an up-close look at what is happening with the roots of their plants.  They have been drawing what they see, taking notes, and creating questions they have based on what they see. 
Have a Great Week! – Mrs. Raynor

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

All School Hike

Please be sure to have your child turn in their signed permission slip for the hike in Groton State Forest on Friday, September 20th. Make sure you let us know in advance if you would like to chaperone that day!  

Our Classroom Rules

Friday, September 6, 2013


News from 2nd Grade
Week 2:
This week students have continued to work on developing friendships, learning routines, and getting acquainted with our classroom.  Students have really enjoyed new learning games and choosing their very own book boxes.  Exploring our math tools was a big hit as well as picking out books for our book boxes.  Students have also been working on the creation of classroom rules, circle rules, and understanding our new keys to success for the entire school: Be Safe, Be Kind, and Work Hard!
Next week students will continue to write in their NEW journals, practice the routine of readers’ workshop, learn math games, as well as many more fun things!  Please let me know if you have any questions about homework packets that came home.  You should do some work in the packets each week as well as have your child read each week.  

·    Things to Note: * Popcorn is offered to students on Friday for $0.25.
·    Dates to Note:  *Open House and Dessert Night – Thursday, September 12 @6:00! *Groton Hike Day – Friday, September 20, Rain Date Friday, September 27


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Apple Day

Tomorrow morning will be all about APPLES and FUN!

Gearing up for a year of math

Our notes on our discussion about what second graders learned last year in math and what they would like to learn this year. 


Our spider plants! 
Science observations have begun!

Math Tools

Exploring math tools and having fun!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Homework Newsletter
September 4, 2013

Dear Families,

This year, your second grader will be responsible for completing homework assignments. I will be sending monthly homework packets home at the beginning of each month for students to complete. Homework should be worked on throughout the month and returned on the due date stated on the front sheet of the packet.

These homework packets are thoughtfully designed to support the second grade curriculum. Many math assignments connect with the Investigations math program that we are using in class. We will also include assignments that focus on counting skills, telling time, and counting groups of coins.

Students will also be asked to Stop…Drop…& Read for at least 20 minutes for each square on the packet. Students are always encouraged to read for additional times throughout the month. Your child may read silently, read to a peer/sibling, or read to an adult. You may also count time that you read aloud to your child as part of this reading time. We recommend that you stop and discuss the books with your child to check their understanding. Please remind your child to record all of the books for the 20 minute reading squares on their book log.

You are encouraged to help your child with their homework, but please make sure that your son or daughter is the one completing it.

Monthly homework packets offer families flexibility with their planning. Some nights, you may have a sporting event, a dinner with family, or just a regular busy night. These packets are great practice for developing study skills, such as finding a quiet place to work, making time to complete assignments, and checking their work for neatness and accuracy.

Please help your child to complete the packet throughout the entire month and not to rush through assignments. If your child is having difficulty completing any work, please encourage him/her to bring the packet in to us for extra help. We do not generally give out extra homework, but students are welcome to complete and record additional reading or find a project, such as keeping a nature journal, writing about a book they read, or practicing their math facts, which they could share with us or the class if they choose.

If you need assistance in making homework packets work for your family, please let me know and I will do my best to make a plan with you for your child. Thank you for your support as we move forward into a new and exciting year of learning!

Randilee Raynor