Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Welcome Mrs. Tormey!

Dear 2nd Grade Parents,

My name is Mary Ann Tormey and I'm looking forward to filling in for Mrs. Raynor while she is on maternity leave this spring. I visited the classroom before vacation, and and have been working with Mrs. Raynor on making this as easy a transition as possible for your children.

I taught grades 3 – 6 at Cabot School for 19 years, and have really enjoyed subbing for all grades at Calais Elementary School since last spring. My college background is in science, and before teaching I raised wholesale organic vegetables and had a CSA on our land in Cabot. Therefore I am really looking forward to teaching a unit this spring on plants. I did a lot of work with the Farm to School Program at Cabot, and am looking forward to tying nutrition and healthy food preparation into this unit. We will also be working with other classes on planting the school gardens. Please let me know if you would be interested in joining us in the classroom for any of these activities.

Mrs. Raynor has invited me to join her on Friday the 22nd for parent teacher conferences, and I am looking forward to meeting many of you at this time.

Mary Ann Tormey

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