Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Second Grade News: November 20, 2012
        The second graders have been studying the water cycle.  Last week they had fun making the water cycle in a jar!  This week they are working on illustrating the water cycle using their choice of art materials in the classroom.  When they are complete I hope to have them on display in our classroom. 
          The second graders made a beautiful “we are thankful for” tree in the hallway near our classroom.  Some of the things we are thankful for include:
·         Family
·         Friends
·         Earth
·         Government
·         Horses
·         Trees
·         Food
During our literacy time students have been learning what it means to summarize and how to summarize books that have been read to them.  They have been practicing summarizing what they read in their own just right reading books too.  This is a great thing to check in when reading with your child at home.  During our writing time we have begun a daily editing of sentences.  As a class we read and look carefully at sentences I provide.  The students edit the sentences for correct capitalization, punctuation, and wording.  Second graders have proved to have a good eye for editing; now we just need to carry it over in to our own writing! 
Have a Great Thanksgiving ~Mrs. Raynor   

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