Thursday, April 30, 2015

1st and 2nd Grade News

Dear Families,
Wow, it is already May!  Students have just finished up a comprehensive report writing unit.  They worked so hard on writing, drawing, creating, and learning new facts about their animal.  If you were not able to attend tomorrow’s Open House but would like to see the animal reports and dioramas that students created please look for them on display during the Art Show and Concert new week!
Important Upcoming Dates: 
Spring Concert and Art Show – Thursday, May 7, 2015 *5:30-6:30 Student artwork and PTNO Silent Auction, 6:15 Students report to classrooms, 6:30 Concert begins in gym
ECO: 5/5 (Mrs. Raynor), 5/12 (Ms. Levangie), 5/19 ALL of 1st and 2nd to Chickering Bog
Field Trip Dates: Chickering Bog/Fen hike – Tuesday, May 19 (rain date 5/21) *Chaperones needed, PLEASE RETURN PERMISSION SLIPS MONDAY!*
 K-3 Montshire Museum- Wednesday, May 27 *Chaperones needed, expect permission slips next week*
U-32 book buddies and science museum – Friday, May 29 9:00-1:00
Field Day at CES – Friday, June 12 (Rain Date 6/15)
Last Day of School – Tuesday, June 16 dismissal at 12:30pm
6th Grade Graduation – Tuesday, June 16th @ 6:30pm in CES Gym

Randilee and Lisa

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Measurements Olympics

Second graders enjoyed going outside today to practice their measurement skills and have some fun.

Monday, April 27, 2015

The last day of school for CES students is Tuesday, June 16th, and we will dismiss at 12:30pm.

6th grade graduation will be Tuesday, June 16th at 6:30pm in the CES gym.


Hi All,
We just wanted to invite anyone who can come (we know this is a little last minute notice) an invitation to our 1st and 2nd grade open house this Friday, May 1st from 1:30-2:30.  During this time students will be sharing animal reports they have worked hard to write and dioramas they have made in art class.  This will be a similar set up to the 5/6 fairs that have happened this year, so if you only have a minute or two you could still come and see a few reports. This event will happen in both Mrs. Raynor and Ms. Levangie’s room.    We are hoping that there are enough guests to keep the kids busy teaching others about their animal!

Randilee and Lisa

Friday, April 17, 2015

Just for fun

Sharing report writing

The second and third graders shared the reports they have written and I are working on about animals with each other.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Understanding Common Core Math

Here is a link to a video I found that speaks to the shift in math instruction through the Common Core Standards.

A little information on second grade math  (Please let me know if you have more questions about how we approach math problems)

 Students should have ample experiences to use concrete materials (place value blocks) and pictorial representations to support their work. This standard also references composing and decomposing a ten. This work should include strategies such as making a 10, making a 100, breaking apart a 10, or creating an easier problem. While the standard (traditional) algorithm could be used here, students’ experiences should extend beyond only working with the algorithm. There is a strong connection between this standard and place value understanding with addition and subtraction of smaller numbers. Students may use concrete models or drawings to support their addition or subtraction of larger numbers. Strategies are similar to those stated in 2.NBT.5, as students extend their learning to include greater place values moving from tens to hundreds to thousands. Interactive whiteboards and document cameras may also be used to model and justify student thinking. Students use number lines, base ten blocks, etc. to show, solve and explain reasoning. Explanation of thinking is a critical component of this standard.

Example: 354 + 287 = Student 1 Uses a number line.
 “I started at 354 and jumped 200. I landed on 554. I then made 8 jumps of 10 and landed on 634. I then jumped 7 and landed on 641.”

A great video on using the open number line

 Student 2 Uses base ten blocks & mat.
“I broke all of the numbers up by place using a place value chart. I first added the ones (4+7), then the tens (50+80) and then the hundreds200=500) I then combined my answers: 500+130=630. 630+11=641”.

A great video on using partial sums

Student 3 Uses place value blocks.
 “I made a pile of 354. I then added 287. That gave me 5 hundreds, 13 tens and 11 ones. I noticed that I could trade some pieces. I had 11 ones, and traded 10 ones for a ten. I then had 14 tens, so I traded 10 tens for a hundred and ended up with 6 hundreds, 4 tens and 1 one


First and second grade fraction board!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Lost and Found

The lost & found area of the hallway seems to be overflowing!
Teachers will be telling students to look for and take home their belongings by this Friday, April 17. 
Anything leftover will be given away (other than the school–owned snowpants).  Parents feel free to come in and look through all the things we have accumulated to see if anything belongs at your home.  

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


First and second grade group posters on Vermont ecosystems.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Mrs. Raynor's class at ECO

Just a reminder that Mrs. Raynor's class has ECO tomorrow, we get to have two weeks in a row!

Friday, April 10, 2015

First and Second Grade News - April 10, 2015

Dear Families,
 We would like to thank all of you for coming to parent teacher conferences last week with thoughtful comments about your children and positive words for us.  We greatly appreciate your flexibly with the scheduling, it made it possible for us to see all of you in two days!  The weather has not been very “spring” like and we have been dealing with many sick kiddos still.  We are hoping next week brings warmer weather and better health so that everyone can enjoy their April Break! 
Students have been working hard to gather research about their ECO animals and compile it into a report.  We are each becoming experts on our own animals and are getting excited to show our knowledge off!  Students will be sharing their finished animal reports (hopefully) and the dioramas they made at an open house the week after break.  We would love for parents and friends of first and second grade students to join on the afternoon of May 1st to view this great work!  If you cannot make it that day please know that we plan to have these reports on display during the concert and art show later in May.
*A quick note from Mrs. Raynor for 1st Grade Families:  First graders have begun to learn o’clock times on an analog clock.  I have encouraged them to wear analog watches to school if they have time, so if you see an increased interest in having a watch this is why.  Please know that it is not required for first graders to have an analog watch, but it sure does help them learn how to tell time!*
Important Upcoming Dates:  *VARIETY SHOW TONIGHT 4/10 @ 6pm*
ECO: 4/14 (Raynor), 4/28 (Levangie)
April Break: 4/20-4/24
Animal Reports Open House: 5/1 @ 1:30-2:30                                   
Potential Field Trip Dates: Chickering Bog/Fen hike – 5/19 (rain date 5/21), K-3 Montshire Museum- 5/27 (confirmed), and u-32 book buddies and science museum – 5/29 (confirmed).  *We will not be going to the ECHO Center this year.*

Randilee and Lisa

Thursday, April 9, 2015

First grade math

First graders have begun to learn how to tell time to the nearest hour.
Students have been encouraged to wear analog watches to school and look for analog clocks in their world.
Playing a place value game with friends.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter Eggs

Eggs the kids dyed at school. Ask a first or second grader what we used to dye these eggs!