Thursday, January 29, 2015


Right before our snowshoe hike the kids were excited to see a new calf had been born out in the field!
Mike explaining the expectations for our hike. 
Look closely and you will see the imprint of a turkey wing.
More tracks along the way.
The students even found rabbit scat.
Each student got one of these to take home so they can do their own tracking.
Many thanks to Mike for leading us on this great lesson and hike today!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Got Snowshoes?
We are asking students to bring snowshoes in Thursday for our snowshoe hike if they have them.  Unfortunately, we realized that many of our school snowshoes are in rough shape and we may not have enough here at school for both of the 1-2 classes.

Math happenings

Ask a first or second grader about this neat balance scale. 
Math math math!
Up coming second grade shape art. 
1st grade shape zoo

Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday News for 1st and 2nd Grade

January 26, 2015                                        
Dear Families,
          We are just sending a quick note home to let you know of some upcoming events.
*We have asked the students to bring in a homemade musical instrument made from recycled materials.  We are hoping to have students share these Friday morning.  
*We have a snowshoe hike on Thursday afternoon with Mike W.  please make sure students are dressed for the weather! 
*Ms. Levangie is asking 1st grade students to bring in a small collection of five things for Monday, February 2, 2015 for writing workshop.  Examples include: shells, small figurines, or something your child collects. 
*Next Tuesday is the 100th Day of School!  We are asking students to bring in 100 snack pieces to add to a group snack.  Examples include: small cereal, nuts, dried fruit, and snack foods (i.e. pretzels).  Students should have 100 pieces counted out in a small bag when they come to school. 
Things to Remember:
No School- 2/6
FFF Dates – 1/30, 2/13, 3/6
ECO Dates – 2/10 (Mrs. Raynor’s class), 2/17 (Ms. Levangie’s class)

Randilee and Lisa

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Fun Fitness Friday is CANCELLED for tomorrow--Friday, January 16th  due to forecasted cold temperatures and high winds.

We hope to get outside next Friday! 

Friday, January 9, 2015


January 9, 2015                                                    
Happy New Year!
          Wow, what a cold week it has been!  We are so glad it has warmed up a bit and students will be able to head off on their first Fun Fitness Friday (FFF).  Please remember that we will not have ECO for the month of January, we will start up again in the month of February.     
          This week we have been busy with new units of learning and some assessments.  Students have begun to learn about sound in science and are looking forward to creating their own instruments as part of this unit.  In math both classes, students have started learning about geometry and have enjoyed exploring geoboards.  In writing, students have been working on writing a small moment from their holiday break.   During reading, first grade students have been reviewing strategies and second grade students have been participating in fiction books clubs.  All students have been and will continue to have their reading skills assessed; it is important for all students to be at school so they do not miss this significant testing. 
Things to Remember:
No School- 1/19 and 1/20
FFF Dates – 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/13  Make up day 3/6
          Once again we want to thank you for the kind and generous gifts that were given to us before the holiday break.  Have a great weekend!
Randilee   Lisa

Thursday, January 8, 2015

First grade geometry

Working with group members to make shapes with our bodies.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Hello Calais families,
This Friday, January 9th is our first Fun Fitness Friday for K-6 students!
Here are a few reminders:

·         All students going skating must have a helmet—bike helmets are fine
·         Downhill skiers must wear a ski helmet
·         Label your gear—if you are bringing your own skiing or skating equipment, make sure it is labeled with your name
·         If you are bringing your own downhill or XC skis, bring them to school on Friday morning and look for the ski drop-off location near the front door
·         Dress in layers, and bring extra mittens/gloves, and a neckwarmer!
·         Downhill skiers leave CES at 12:00 and return at 5:00pm
·         Skaters and XC skiers leave CES at 12:30 and return by 3:30 for regular dismissal

Monday, January 5, 2015

Fun Fitness Friday (FFF)

Fun Fitness Friday will begin this week Friday, 1/9/15 (weather depended of course)!  We will not have ECO the month of January because we will be having FFF and it is often very cold.  ECO will begin again sometime during the month of February; we will share the start dates as soon as we have them from Angie.