Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Mrs. Raynor's Class at ECO

Checking the game camera we set up by the stream. Ask a student what we "caught" in our pictures!
Human knot
Nature scavenger hunt items. 
Students making nests for big birds. 

And nests for small birds. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Cloud experiment

Ms. Levangie's class reading about clouds and creating a cloud in a bottle.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Book Orders

Please send in any book orders you want to place by this Friday! I will be entering orders over the weekend so that books can arrive as soon as possible! 

Mrs Raynor's class at ECO

Students tracing their partners shadow. 
Playing smogs treasure! 
Animal Charades 
Free time in the woods 
Turkeys that a few of us were able to see!
Exploring the stream. 
Drawing our shadows again to compare how they have changed over two hours. The earth moves and that changes our shadow! 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

First and Second Grade News!

October 9, 2014

Dear Families,

Fall is here.  We’ve lucked out with the weather and have been able to get outside even on the rainy days. Our students have been writing what they know about fall and are finishing up “small moment” stories in first and second grade “Writing Workshop”.

Ms. Levangie’s class had a great time in E.C.O. on Tuesday.  Mrs. Raynor’s class will have E.C.O. next week.  Mrs. Raynor’s class had a class celebration while Ms. Levangie’s class had E.C.O. and Ms. Levangie’s class plans to have a class celebration this Tuesday.  Students chose to wear pajamas, bring a favorite stuffed animal and watch Fantastic Mr. Fox (after having read the book).  This is a P.G. movie so please see the permission slip below.  The students who have seen this film tell me it’s fine but I’ll preview it this weekend.  Let me know if you have any objections.  We are sending this permission slip home for ALL parents to sign for future use.  We will let you know what videos we would be showing at school. 

Thanks for helping your student remember to bring his/her bookbag back to school Mondays.  Students are reporting that they are reading to adults at home.  Great!!

Conferences are scheduled for the second week of November.  We will be offering many additional times outside of the two half-days scheduled so that we can accommodate everyone.  Mrs. Raynor and I plan to have conferences together so you can speak with both of us about your child.  We’ll send a sign-up out next week.
Important dates:
Picture re-take day, Oct. 16
Bring a Neighbor to Lunch Day, Oct. 17 
Raynor ECO, Oct 14   Levangie ECO, Oct. 21 (dress for the weather)

Have a great long weekend all!  Students are off tomorrow and Monday.

Lisa and Randilee

Please tear off and send back Tuesday, Oct. 14 (Especially Levangie 1/2, movie day!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yes, I give my child _________________________permission to watch P.G. films at school.

____________________________________________________ (please sign)

No, I do not give my child ____________________permission to watch P.G. films at school.

____________________________________________________ (please sign)


Greetings 1st and 2nd Grade Parents,

Tuesday, 10/14/14, is our second day of ECO in Mrs. Raynor’s class!  We will be going outside for a few hours in the afternoon.

Tuesday is supposed to be warm with temperatures in the high 60’s but with a chance of rain.

Please make sure your child has boots, a rain coat, and rain pants to wear.

Here are our ECO dates till Thanksgiving:
10/14, 10/28, 11/12, and 11/25.

We head out the door a little after 1:00.

If you have any questions about the program please call me at 272-4865 or email me at arob@u32.org.


Alex Rob

North Branch Nature Center
713 Elm Street
Montpelier, VT 05602

Second grade writing

Second graders sharing and revising their informational books. 

Second graders are focused on learning their doubles facts to fluency

Come see our fun doubles dudes!