Friday, August 31, 2012

August 31, 2012
Weekly Class News
From the second grade classroom of Mrs. Raynor


Our First Week:
Wow, I cannot believe the first week has come and gone! This past week we have been getting to know each other in many ways. In addition to getting to know each other and the other great people in our school we have been working to learn our new schedule, school routines, and develop classroom expectations.

More News
-Readings: Students have had a chance to hear many great books read aloud this week.  Some of our favorites include: 1st Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg and Dinosaur Starts School by Pamela Duncan.
Share Homework: Students are asked to bring in a souvenir that represents something fun they did this summer.  Souvenirs could include a map, a drawing, a postcard, seashell, art project, rock, or really any artifact that can represent part of their summer. 

  • No SCHOOL: Mark your calendars; there will be no school Monday, September 3, 2012 in observance of Labor Day. Enjoy!


Calais Recreation Association Soccer 2012 Philosophy of the WCSU communities is to provide a healthy, positive, safe and fun sports experience for all involved. We aim to provide equitable opportunities for children to develop and refine their skills, as well as to provide a healthy environment emphasizing personal growth and community values.

 Grades K-2 Practices Saturdays 9:30-11
Starting in September
At CES playground field
Starting Sept. 8th

Grades 3/4 Practices/games- Tues/Thurs
Practices will be from 5:30-6:45
At Recreation Field – Rte 14 E.Calais
Starting August 30th

Grades 5/6 Practice/games-Mon/Wed
Practices will be from 5:30-6:45
At Recreation Field – Rte 14 E.Calais
Starting August 29th
For 3/4 and 5/6, practices will start in August and the season will end by the middle of October.
Mouth guards are mandatory & volunteer coaches needed

Questions-Contact: Bob Patterson 224-9962 (
- or -
Jeff Fannon 454-1173 (

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Photos from our classroom

We have our hooks in the hallway labeled

James, our beta fish, is very happy to be at school and has a new name tag!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Things to Note

Be sure to check the upcoming events dates have been added!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Share Homework

2nd Grade Share Homework
Students have been asked to bring in a “souvenir” that represents something fun they did this summer.  Souvenirs could include a map, a drawing, a postcard, seashell, art project, rock, or really any artifact that can represent part of their summer.  Students will be telling classmates how it represents a part of their summer; this experience will help us to learn a little about each other and practice how to both speak clearly and be a good listener.  We will be sharing these souvenirs over the next week during morning meeting.
*Students will not be asked to bring in any items until the after the first week of school*

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tools For Our Math Boxes

Handmade rekenrek, bead sticks, and bead strings to help develop number sense.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Getting Ready For Math

What I will be doing all this week.

This class in changing the way I think about math. Counting and number sense is so much more important than I ever thought. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

The second book shelf is done!
This will be the home of math boxes and a few chapter books. 

This was my favorite item!  Yes, I LOVE glitter!
Out of all these boxes........

Super Excited About
What Came In This Box! 

Friday, August 3, 2012

This book shelf was given to me by one of my best friends.  When it was given to me it was an ugly dark wood color.  NOW.......bright and jazzy, certainly worthy of finding a home in the second grade!

  New fun labels and color coordinated bins in the library.
Wow! Summer is coming to an end soon.  I cannot believe how quickly it has gone by.  I am so excited to share all the work I have done in the second grade.  I think there is still paint in my hair from jazzing up a book shelf that will live in the second grade!